Three Reasons To Book A Professional After-party Cleaning

You have bought all the snacks, stacked all the drinks, and your playlist is smoking hot! It looks like you are ready for the wildest party in years! But let’s be honest – you are not the type of person with the YOLO mentality, carpe diem – tomorrow come what may! So even before the first glass of wine ends up on your carpet, here are the three most important reasons to book your professional after-party cleaning in advance!

You will probably have a terrible hangover

Hey, we’ve all been there – we are not judging. But the last thing you want to do while trying to figure out why your head feels twice the size is pick up popcorn and chips from the floor. Let a perfectly sober and good-humoured cleaner do that for you while you rehydrate. 

Some cleaning issues will require more than just vacuum cleaning

You will have tough stains and bad smells to remove depending on how much the party gets out of control (and believe me – I’ve seen my fair share of after-party calamities). Even on a good day, you will have a cleaning mountain to climb – with a few hours of sleep and no energy at all, let’s call it a lost cause.

With stains, time is a crucial factor

Let’s assume you haven’t booked an after-party cleaning procedure in advance. You wake up to find out your living room looks like a war zone, and you have no desire to start undoing the damage of the previous night. Does this sound like a good time to start looking for a cleaner? You would be lucky to find one for the next day, which means an additional 24 hours for the stains to soak in. Alternatively, you book the cleaner BEFORE the party, and they will arrive like the cavalry saving the day!